Batura Glacier, Karakoram
CIAS is another free feature tracking software. This is a GUI written in IDL by Kääb & Vollmer. Here we use ImGRAFT to track one of the CIAS example data sets using orthorectified Landsat 7 images from Batura. Here's how you might track it in ImGRAFT.
Note: this example needs the mapping toolbox in order to read the geo-tiffs.
datafolder=downloadDemoData('cias'); %%load data % % [A,x,y,Ia]=geoimread(fullfile(datafolder,'batura_2001.tif')); [B,xb,yb,Ib]=geoimread(fullfile(datafolder,'batura_2002.tif')); deltax=x(2)-x(1);%m/pixel deltay=y(2)-y(1);%m/pixel %make regular grid of points to track: [pu,pv]=meshgrid(10:20:size(A,2),10:20:size(A,1)); %pixel coordinated %obtain corresponding map coordinates of pixel coordinates px=interp1(x,pu); py=interp1(y,pv); %... but restricted to points inside this region of interest polygon roi=[387 452;831 543;1126 899;1343 1006;1657 1022;2188 1330;... 2437 1220;2564 1359;2483 1473;2188 1489;1693 1320;1563 1181; ... 1061 1168;663 718;456 686;25 877;28 627;407 465]; mask=inpolygon(pu,pv,roi(:,1),roi(:,2)); pu(~mask)=nan; %inserting nans at some locations will tell template match to skip these locations [du,dv,C,Cnoise,pu,pv]=templatematch(A,B,pu,pv,'showprogress',true,'method','oc'); close all %visualize the results %turn the intensity image into an RGB image %so that it does not interfere with colorbar: showimg(x,y,A) hold on signal2noise=C./Cnoise; keep=(signal2noise>2)&(C>.6); V=(du*deltax)+(dv*1i)*deltay; %m/yr Vn=abs(V); alphawarp(px,py,Vn,.2+keep*.5) quiver(px(keep),py(keep),real(V(keep))./Vn(keep),imag(V(keep))./Vn(keep),0.2,'k') %arrows show direction. caxis([0 200]) colorbar('southoutside');