Bindschadler Ice Stream example
The IMCORR feature tracking software comes with two example image pairs. These are Landsat TM subscenes of a portion of Ice Stream D in West Antarctica (Now know as Bindschadler Ice Stream). This page shows how these can be tracked using the ImGRAFT toolbox.
datafolder=downloadDemoData('imcorr'); A=imread(fullfile(datafolder,'conv_87.png')); B=imread(fullfile(datafolder,'conv_89.png')); dx=28.5; %m/pixel dt=2; %years x=(0:size(A,2)-1)*dx; y=(size(A,2)-1:-1:0)*dx; tic [du,dv,C,Cnoise,pu,pv]=templatematch(A,B); toc %obtain corresponding map coordinates of pixel coordinates in pu,pv px=interp1(x,pu); py=interp1(y,pv); %display figure close all showimg(x,y,A) hold on signal2noise=C./Cnoise; keep=(signal2noise>3.5); V=(du-dv*1i)*dx/dt; %Using imaginary values to indicate direction (for convenience). Vn=abs(V); alphawarp(px,py,Vn,.2+keep*.5) quiver(px(keep),py(keep),real(V(keep))./Vn(keep),imag(V(keep))./Vn(keep),0.2,'k') %arrows show direction. caxis([0 400]) colorbar('eastoutside');
Elapsed time is 1.443599 seconds.